Download data
Select any of the following items below for download. All links below will redirect to the specific folder in our GitHub repository for download. Alternatively, all data can be downloaded on our NITRC page.
Yale Brain Atlas (696-parcel version)
Files for 3D mesh, coordinates, indices, and descriptor files for Yale Brain Atlas with 696 parcels (includes 6 parcels in corpus callosum).
Yale Brain Atlas (690-parcel version)
Files for 3D mesh, coordinates, indices, and descriptor files for Yale Brain Atlas with 690 parcels (excludes 6 parcels in corpus callosum).
Files for Parcelsynth, i.e., fMRI activation results for functional terms in Neurosynth translated into Yale Brain Atlas space.
Files for ParcelQuery, i.e., fMRI activation results for functional terms in NeuroQuery translated into Yale Brain Atlas space.
White matter connectome
Files for white matter connectome in Yale Brain Atlas space for 1,065 Human Connectome Project young adult subjects.
Cortical thickness
Files for cortical thickness maps in Yale Brain Atlas space for 200 Human Connectome Project young adult subjects.
Files for resting-state fMRI pairwise correlation data in Yale Brain Atlas space for 34 healthy subjects imaged at Yale.