Viewer: multimodal data
Select one of the datasets below to interactively view in Yale Brain Atlas space.
Interactively view Parcelsynth, fMRI activation data from Neurosynth (Yarkoni et al, 2012) for 334 specific functions in Yale Brain Atlas space.
Interactively view ParcelQuery, fMRI activation data from NeuroQuery (Dockes et al, 2020) for 334 specific functions in Yale Brain Atlas space.
White matter connectome
Interactively view the white matter connectome, processed tractograms derived from dMRI data (Yeh, 2022) for 1,065 young adult subjects from the Human Connectome Project in Yale Brain Atlas space.
Cortical thickness
Interactively view cortical thickness data from 200 young adult subjects from the Human Connectome Project in Yale Brain Atlas space.
Interactively view rsfMRI connectivty data from 34 healthy adult subjects in Yale Brain Atlas space.